best day I've had in a while

Today was just a good day. I guess it felt like a normal day (pre COVID-19). I spent the morning and afternoon after cancelled meetings for Team Liquid’s holiday party event. I watching All-Star 2020 and covering a bit of it while spending most of the time lying to my coworkers in Among Us.

I don’t know how I got impostors 4 times out of like 10 rounds we played but I enjoyed it. Luckily, I didn’t win any of those games and got called out immediately. I suck at Among Us but that’s not a bad thing.

I really really appreciate being part of Team Liquid, can’t be happier. I don’t know who reads my blogs but if you stumbled upon them here, just know I am so friggen lucky to be with them and so happy to be here. It feels so great being taken care of and being part of a team with an overarching goal that we’re all trying to achieve together. Team Liquid apparel is slowly taking over my wardrobe and I am very happy it is. I used to just have all different LCS team’s clothes because my friends would give them to me as gifts but those can retire now, as I am strictly loyal to TL.

Then I went out, did a Facebook marketplace trade; went to Wholefoods; and the mall to do some Christmas shopping before heading home where I’ll be again.

I really wanted to document today somehow, permanently, and share my joy with whoever reads this! I hope you had a great day too. I promise it gets better. Perhaps I am telling this to myself. I hope days like this will become normal and we’ll all be back to normal. I look forward to the future being a lot happier and living a roaring 2021.



P.S: I’ve made it a goal of mine to be Wholefoods rich, meaning I don’t look at the prices of things when I go shop at Wholefoods.